Sea Turtles
Turtle’s favorite snack is jellyfish, but thanks to pollution. Turtles are eating plastic bags more often now because they have mistaken them as a jellyfish. Plastic bags float in the oceans like jellyfish. They are flexible, and sometimes see-through. When you see something that is your favorite, you do not second guess yourself.

Sometimes the fast way is the wrong way. Some fishermen throw away their old fishing nets into the sea. They may not work as they used to, but that does not mean they would not injure anyone on their way to the bottom of the ocean. As the net falls, it may fall on top of an animal and get attached to them. The net not only weights down the animal. It also slows them down, so now they need to spend more energy hunting for food or escape from being hunted

Sea lion
Animals can get injured with broken glass like human being and unfortunately they can not clean up their own living environment.